Educational Escape Game
General public aged 12 and over, Businesses, Adults, Families, Higher education, Schoolchildren - High school
2 to 7 people per session
1 h / session (+ preparation and tidying time)
Find out more about environmental issues such as environmental destruction, plastic pollution, climate change and the disappearance of species.
Workshop for schoolchildren
Adults, Higher education, Families, School - Cycle 2, School - Cycle 3 middle school, School - Cycle 3 elementary school, School - Cycle 4, School - High school
20 people
Between 1h30 and 2h00
School workshop and/or conference
General public - Adults, Higher education, Families, Schoolchildren - Cycle 3 and 4
20 people
1h30 to 3h00 depending on level
Through the notion of animal welfare in captivity, the definition and presentation of types of enrichment, you'll discover the basics of environmental enrichment.
Workshop for schoolchildren
General public - Adults, Higher education, Families, Schoolchildren - Cycle 1, Cycle 2, Cycle 3 and Cycle 4.
20 people
1h30 to 03h00
Through the ecological role of the binturong, you'll discover how the seeds spread.
Workshop for schoolchildren
Families, Children, School - Cycle 1 and 2
20 people
1h30 to 03h00
Tell the story of how researchers are studying the binturong in its natural environment by creating a story bag.
Conference for the general public
General public - Adults, Higher education, Families, Schoolchildren - Cycle 1, Cycle 2, Cycle 3 and Cycle 4.
room capacity
Come and find out more about the job of animal caretaker, and spend some quality time asking questions to a professional in the sector.
Adults, Higher education, Schoolchildren - Cycle 3 and 4.
Room capacity
Learn about the creation of the binturong conservation program, from its inception to its implementation.
ABConservation, it's:
An office in France
57 rue Cuvier MNHN CP31
75005 Paris
An office in Philippines
Unit 15, Maria Apartments
Barangay San Manuel
5300 Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines
© 2025 Arctictis Binturong Conservation
Webmaster: Romaric Perrucaud