Our website is eco-designed. It's not just a word, it's a commitment.
The aim: to reduce the environmental footprint of our digital services while providing a good experience for our users.
We have reduced
the number of requests per page from 144 to 311
We have reduced
reduced page size from 6.1 MB to 0.67 MB1
(page complexity has been reduced by 83% from 2938 to 499 elements)1)
1 Via EcoIndex, comparison between the old website and the current website on the 5 most visited pages in 2024. [results updated: 21/01/2025]
The digital sector is responsible for between 3 and 4% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. In France, these amount to 2.5%, and could increase by 60% by 2040 if nothing is done to reduce them, according to the pre-report of the Senate's Information Mission on the environmental footprint of the digital sector, quoted by the Arcep.
Notre site web écoconçu prend en compte les impacts environnementaux de son fonctionnement. Il est développé dans le but de minimiser son empreinte environnementale tout en offrant une expérience utilisateur optimale. Un site écoconçu se doit d’être utile, rapide et facile à utiliser.
We have designed our website to respond to environmental, social and economic issues:
Nous nous attachons à respecter autant que possible les 115 ecodesign best practices.
It's essential to understand that upstream design work has a far greater impact than the meticulous optimization of lines of code.
As part of our commitment to digital sobriety, ne have made a special effort to offer you :
La charte du site ABConservation a été conçue avec cette optique de réduction de la consommation : aéré, épuré, utilisant uniquement 2 polices de caractères, etc.
We prefer to offer content already hosted elsewhere without duplicating it or hosting it on our servers. So you'll find links to our posts on the social networks Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook or to our podcasts broadcast on Spotify and Deezer.
Our site uses the "WordPress" CMS associated with the minimalist and light "Hello Elementor" theme. We have chosen to rigorously select less than 10 extensions and to dispense with the use of cookies. Our aim: to limit the weight of data transferred, the complexity of web pages and the number of HTTP requests sent to servers.
The ABConservation team has been aware of the ecodesign approach and these new uses since 11/06/2024 through workshops dedicated to this subject, and to the design and maintenance of this website.
We carried out our self-diagnosis according to the general reference framework for the eco-design of digital services (RGESN).
Our score is 74%.
ABConservation, it's:
An office in France
57 rue Cuvier MNHN CP31
75005 Paris
An office in the Philippines
Unit 15, Maria Apartments
Barangay San Manuel
5300 Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines
© 2025 Arctictis Binturong Conservation
Webmaster: Romaric Perrucaud