The NGO dedicated to the binturong

Binturong, who are you?

Workshop for schoolchildren

General public - Adults, Higher education, Families, Schoolchildren - Cycle 1, Cycle 2, Cycle 3 and Cycle 4

20 people

Between 1h30 and 2h00 depending on level


Our emblem: the binturong. But do you know this animal? The binturong, a little-known species, a species threatened with extinction, but also an important species for the balance of its environment. Through this activity, you'll learn more about this little mammal and why preserving it means preserving much more than just the binturong.

Some concepts and skills covered:

  • Discover Binturong and its special features
  • Addressing the climatic issues threatening the species
  • Identify the solutions available to us in the face of these threats