The NGO dedicated to the binturong

The association's articles of association
Arctictis Binturong Conservation

ABConservation is a non-profit organisation ruled by French law. Its regulation remains in French.


An association governed by the French law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, is founded between the members of the present statutes: Arctictis Binturong Conservation (ABConservation).


The purpose of this association is to :
  • Promote awareness of the binturong, pass on information and raise public awareness, both in France and internationally, by using all possible means of communication:
- Publications - Conferences - Event organization - Development of educational programs - Other means of communication
  • Create and participate in ex-situ and in-situ conservation projects
  • Financing conservation projects
  • Financial support for conservation associations and programs
  • Recruiting volunteers in France and abroad

ARTICLE 3 - Registered office

The registered office is located at the Menagerie du Jardin des Plantes CP31 57 rue Cuvier 75005 Paris. It may be transferred by simple decision of the Board of Directors, but ratification by the General Meeting will be required.

ARTICLE 4 - Duration

The duration of the association is unlimited.


The association is made up of :
a) Active members
b) Honorary members
c) Supporting members
d) Commercial members
e) Affiliated members


Membership of ABConservation is open to anyone wishing to support the aims of the association, whatever their profession or status, provided they respect the association's rules of conduct and are accepted by the members of the board.



Active members are private individuals who have undertaken to pay a membership fee of €15.
Members with a valid student card for the current year, jobseekers or those receiving minimum social benefits (certificate less than 6 months old) pay a special membership fee of €9.
Board members are exempt from paying this fee.
Active members are entitled to vote.

Honorary members are private individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the association. They are exempt from the annual membership fee.
These honorary members can only be elected by members of the Board.
Honorary members have voting rights.

Benefactor members are individuals or institutions who contribute more than €30 per year to ABConservation.
As far as institutions are concerned, only the executive director(s) will be the institution's official representatives. They alone will be entitled to vote.

Commercial members are companies that support the association financially or provide services free of charge. Commercial members must be represented by a specific person: the representative member, who is invited to attend annual meetings.
Commercial members do not have voting rights.

Affiliate members are national and international organizations and associations that support ABConservation's ambitions.
Affiliated members must be represented by a specific person: the representative member of each organization is invited to attend annual meetings.
Affiliate members do not have voting rights. They are not required to pay an annual membership fee.

The amount of membership fees may be modified by the General Meeting in the by-laws.


Membership is lost by :
     a) Resignation
     b) Death
     c) Expulsion may be ordered by the Board of Directors for non-payment of membership dues or for serious reasons. The interested party will have been invited by registered letter to provide explanations before the Board and/or in writing.

Failure to comply with ABConservation's guidelines may be sufficient grounds for suspension of membership.


The association's resources include :
     1° The amount of contributions
     2° State, departmental and municipal subsidies
     3° Subsidies from other associations
     4° Patronage from companies, large establishments and institutions
     5° The sale of products bearing the ABConservation logo or acronym
     6° Gifts and bequests
     7° All resources authorized by current laws and regulations

ARTICLE 10 - Ordinary General Meeting

The Ordinary General Meeting comprises all members of the association, whatever their title.

It meets every two years in April.

At least fifteen days before the date fixed, the members of the association are convened by the office.

The agenda appears on the invitation.
The Chairman, assisted by the members of the Board, chairs the meeting and reports on the Association's moral situation and activities.
The treasurer reports on his management and submits the annual financial statements (balance sheet, income statement and notes) to the meeting for approval.
The Annual General Meeting sets the annual dues to be paid by the various categories of members, and deliberates on future directions.

Only items on the agenda may be discussed.
Decisions are taken by majority vote of members present or represented.

Once the agenda has been completed, the outgoing members of the Board are replaced.
All decisions are taken by a show of hands, except for the election of Board members, for which a secret ballot is required.

Decisions taken at General Meetings are binding on all members, including those absent or represented.

ARTICLE 11 - Extraordinary General Meeting

If necessary, or at the request of half plus one of the registered members, the Chairman may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, in accordance with the provisions of Article 10.

The procedure for convening the meeting is the same as for the Ordinary General Meeting.

Resolutions are passed by a majority of members present.


The association is managed by a 4-member board:
     - a chairman
     - a treasurer
     - a scientific manager - vice-president

The offices of Chairman and Treasurer cannot be held concurrently.

The respective duties, responsibilities and powers of Board members are set out in the internal regulations.

They are elected for 2 years by the General Meeting. Members are eligible for re-election.
In the event of vacancies, the Board temporarily replaces its members.

The powers of the members thus elected expire on the expiry of the term of office of the members replaced.

The purpose of the Board of Directors is to implement the decisions of the General Meeting, and to organize and lead the life of the association, within the framework set by the Articles of Association.
Board membership is voluntary.

Expenses incurred in the performance of the director's duties may be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents.

These costs are included in the accounts and appear in the balance sheet.
The Board of Directors meets at least once a year, and whenever convened by the Chairman or at the request of a quarter of its members.

The Chairman convenes Board meetings in writing, specifying the agenda.

Decisions are taken by majority vote; in the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote. Voting by proxy is not permitted.
Any Board member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without apology will be deemed to have resigned.

ARTICLE 13 - Internal regulations

Rules of procedure may be drawn up by the Board of Directors for approval by the Annual General Meeting.

These by-laws are intended to set out the various points not covered by the present by-laws, in particular those relating to the internal administration of the association.


The association may only be dissolved at an Extraordinary General Meeting.

In the event of dissolution, any liquidation assets will be allocated to a conservation program or similar association designated by the General Meeting.

ARTICLE 15 - Liberalities

The annual report and accounts, as defined in article 10, are sent each year to the Préfet of the département.

The association undertakes to present its registers and accounting documents to any administrative authority requesting information on the use of donations it is authorized to receive.

Fait à Paris, le 02/11/2024.

Pauline Kayser, President
Mélissa Perrigon, Treasurer
Ameline Roger, secrétaire & chargée de projet antenne Philippine
Elea Delsaux, secrétaire & responsable scientifique
Elise Traboulsy, secrétaire & responsable communication
Dimitri Follain, secrétaire
Nicolas Louineau, secrétaire