The NGO dedicated to the binturong

Educational programme: our first class

On November 12, 2025 in Palawan, our educational program began at Irawan Primary School. The program was divided into 5 themes: environment, contamination and waste, environmental protection, environmental quality, climates and natural phenomena, natural resources.

Lou Chatagnat
Communications Manager

Published on 16/12/2024

Playback time: 5min

The children actively participated and were very excited to get started!

On November 12 we began our educational program at Irawan elementary school. 📚 The children were very excited to start the program and actively participated in the class. 🙋🏾‍♀️
The program is divided into 5 themes: Environment, contamination and waste; Environmental protection; Environmental quality; Climate and natural phenomena; Natural resources. 🍃
Through this project, the aims are to raise awareness of environmental issues, provide an understanding of natural systems, develop and diversify environmental skills (waste reduction, energy efficiency...), and promote sustainable lifestyles. The children will also be helping the PWRCC to protect and conserve wildlife. 🐾

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